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West Kempsville Youth Athletics

West Kempsville Youth Athletics


 Division  Age Bracket  Co-Ed  Draft
 Farm  6-9 yrs  Yes  No
 Pre-Teen  10-12 yrs Yes   No
 Junior  13-14 yrs  Yes  No
 Senior*  15-18 yrs  No  No

* Must be in High School

Begin just before or after Spring Break in March/April
2 nights per week, Monday-Friday (coach's choice)
1 hour each practice
6:30-7:30PM Farm (6-9) & Preteen (10-12)
7:30-9:30PM Junior (13-14) & Senior Girls (15-18)
Centerville, Tallwood, Rosemont Forest Elementaries
(Day & Location requests will be considered but are NOT guaranteed. NO Refunds will be given due to an undesired day or location.)

Begin mid-April, end in May or first week in June
Saturdays between 9:00AM-4:00PM (possibly Mon/Wed evenings some seasons)
Local middle schools for Preteen through Senior
Local elementary schools for Farm

Grouped by age
Co-Ed unless otherwise specified
No experience needed

Tennis shoes (non-marking soles with grip; no canvas or smooth soles)
Comfortable athletic wear for practices
Knee pads (encouraged, but not required)
Personal water bottle
Black shorts for games

Parent or community volunteers
Always needed to accommodate all the players who register
No experience required

                                          Your Volleyball Coordinator

 Roberto Ramos

 [email protected]

 Key Volunteer



Coaches are always needed. NO Experience necessary.
Without coaches we are limited to how many kids we can register.

If you are interested information can be found on the City's Youth Sports page.
Click on the Link at the bottom VIRGINIA YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES.
It will redirect you to the city's website. 
On the right click on Youth Sports League Volunteer ID System.
Information and paperwork will be found there.

The city will hold a class through National Youth Sports Coaches Association. 
Date TBA

The top quality NYSCA training features two components: 

The Coaching Youth Sports portion covers topics coaches of all sports need to know,
such as working with parents; motivating kids; building confidence; 
instilling good sportsmanship; safety; and nutrition and hydration; among many other areas.

In the sport-specific training coaches learn how to teach the basic skills and fundamentals
of the particular sport they are coaching, as well as effective drills to use during their practices. 


Q.  How old does my child have to be to play volleyball?
A.   To be eligible, a player must be 6 and in 1st grade by September 30.

Q.  Is my child able to "play up" to the next level?
A.  If the upper division has openings and the player has the necessary skills, a parent may sign a waiver to allow the child to play at the upper division.

Q. When and where are practices?
A. Each team practices two weeknights at local elementary school gyms. The practice nights are the coach's choice since he or she is volunteering. (Requests for specific practice gyms will be considered but are NOT guaranteed and NO refunds will be issued for an undesired practice location.)

Q.  Am I able to make special requests for a coach, team, player, or practice?
A.  Requests are considered but NOT guaranteed.  During the registration process, there are options to request a specific coach/team/player with whom you would like your child paired. A special requests option also allows you to list a preferred practice gym or any days that your child would be unavailable for practices.

Q.  How is the registration fee used?
A.  None of our coordinators or coaches are paid for their time. Registration fees are used for equipment, gym rental, jerseys, and game officials.

Q.  Will I receive a refund?
A.  Before registering, please note the Refund policy in the Bylaws section of the About Us tab above.

Q.  What if I have other questions?
A.  E-mail Roberto Ramos, WKYA volleyball coordinator, at  [email protected]

WAIT LIST Information

Players will be taken off wait list if additional coaches volunteer. 

Registration Fees $90




Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


West Kempsville Youth Athletics
PO Box 65236 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23467

Email: [email protected]

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