Jr Farm: 6-8-year-olds, coed, no draft.
This is the next level above T-ball. Coaches will practice the fundamentals of fielding, hitting and throwing at this level. Players will start learning the basic rules of baseball. Coaches will pitch to their own players during games. Players should have their own glove. We recommend having your own helmet, but we can provide one to be used during the season if needed.
Teams will practice twice a week at our home field or one of the surrounding elementary schools. Games will primarily be on Saturdays, with the possibility of a weekday game during the spring season. We will interleague with Kempsville Recreation Association (KRA).
Standings will be kept, and there will be playoffs at the end of the season.
All players will receive a hat and jersey. Please wait to hear from your coaches before buying pants and socks.
Sr Farm: 9-10-year-olds, coed, draft applies (Spring season only).
Sr Farm is the next level above Jr. Farm and is more competitive. Coaches will teach fielding, throwing, hitting, pitching and the rules of baseball. Kids will pitch to each other throughout the season. Depending on how many players sign up, there may be the possibility of a draft before the season starts for coaches to select players to be on their team.
Teams will practice twice a week at our home field or one of the surrounding elementary schools. Games will primarily be on Saturdays, with the possibility of a weekday game during the spring season. We will interleague with Kempsville Recreation Association (KRA).
Standings will be kept, and there will be playoffs at the end of the season.
All players will receive a hat and jersey. Please wait to hear from your coaches before buying pants and socks.
NOTE Jr & Sr Farm games will primarily be scheduled for Saturdays, with the potential for weeknight games. Games can be played at Charlestown Athletic Park (WKYA), Kempsville Recreation Center (KRA). This is all depending on who our interleague partners are for the season.
We are always looking for volunteers to coach. Please contact the Baseball Coordinator with any questions
Baseball Coordinator
[email protected]
Rules Jr. Farm: vbrbl jrf spring 2018.pdf
Rules City Age: vbrbl city age spring 2018.pdf